Up 2009-04-25 Prev Next Slideshow

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9  Bakutchu drummers spreading the news of our arrival
10 Rock and roll in ,the hearth of darkness
11 Tshikwange or fermented maniok is becoming our basic food
12 Taking a bath in the river
13  J-J with our 3 guides Justin, Jacques and William
  15 Constantly wet feed are starting to cause me trouble..jpg  
15 This monkey was saved from drowning with a machette
17 Colubus monkey ready foor coocking
Roasting the monkey over the camp fire
17 Grey coffee ready to drink....
Sardines and tshikwange for breackfast

15 Constantly wet feed are starting to cause me trouble.
Totaal aantal foto's: 26 | Laatste aanpassing: 15/05/09 23:48 | Help